Page name: X-Men Hall Complex [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-09-02 18:33:20
Last author: Duredhel
Owner: Figgy
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The halls are covered in large panels of dull grey metal, and are rather bare. Plain white lights glare from the ceiling, providing the only light, since no sunlight reaches here. They are mostly empty, and extend onwards in several directions.

X-Men Time

Friday November 18th

Perhaps suddenly aware of her chattering, Valerie fell silent during the rest of the ride down to the complex from the third floor. With nothing more than a smile to Mihir, she stepped out of the elevator, and, even though she knew exactly what to expect, the stark contrast of the mansion above and the sterile hallway below never ceased to perplex her, and she had to blink a couple of times to adjust to the change in the quality of light. She trod lightly along the metal corridor and opened the door to X-Men Danger Room for her companion to enter first, since he seemed to know better than she what to do.

Mihir wished he knew how to make small talk. His natural reticence meant he only really said what he needed to. Leaving the elevator, he moved into the X-men Danger Room ahead of Val.

In light of the long day she had, Valerie was actually looking forward to burning off some steam of her own, and she immediately slipped in to the Danger Room behind Mihir.

Making his way down the hall, Marcus stepped in to the X-men Danger Room.

The elevator quickly made it's way down from from the third floor, and as soon as it opened, Daniela came out of it, holding the door open button for the other three guys that had accompanied her until they were out. Once everyone was there, she quickly walked to the X-Men Infirmary, calling for Professor McCoy.

Justin carefully made his way to X-Men Infirmary trying to keep his pressure on Lucas' head firm while they walked. "I hop Hank can patch him up."

Nathan came out of the elevator right behind Justin and followed him into the infirmary, close behind him as the other boy kept pressure on Lucas' head.

Daniela walking like she was exhausted, yet keeping a brisk pace, came out of the infirmary and pushed the elevator button. The doors opened instantly, since no one had called it, and Daniela looked tiny, shaky and red in the cheeks as the yellowish light from the elevator bathed her face. Stepping in, she took it up to the X-Men Hall 1st

Justin made it out into the hall right when the elevator doors closed. "Damn, ill have to catch up with Daniela later then. Maybe someone will be hanging out in the main hall." He reasoned with himself waiting for the elevator to come back down. After a minute or so there was a ding and the doors slid open, empty inside. He sighed and stepped in pondering which floor to search first then jammed the button for X-Men Hall 1st.

Mihir left the danger room and walked over to the elevator. He pressed the button and waited patiently for the doors to open. After a moment, he walked onto the elevator and pressed the button for X-men Hall 1st.

Nathan stepped out into the hallway, and briskly walked down the hallway. Getting to the end, he hit the button for the elevator and waited for a few moments. Once the doors slid open, he stepped in and pressed the button for X-men Hall 1st.

'If you ever need to go, the infirmary is right down there,' Valerie said while pointing in the appropriate direction, with a glance back over her shoulder to Marcus through the open door of the Danger Room as she stepped over its threshold. 'Down here kinda gives me the creeps. It's, like, too quiet, or something,' she then openly admitted, unaware of the circumstances occurring just down the hallway. The blonde continued onward to X-Men Complex Staircase, figuring that she's start with the kitchen on the first floor, since Marcus was seemingly unfamiliar with the layout of the mansion as of yet.

Marcus looked around, taking a quick survey of the hall so he better got to know the floor layout. Without saying much, he followed Valerie up the X-Men Complex Staircase.

The elevator dinged as the doors slid open reviling Justin and Lire. Justin took a few steps toward X-Men Infirmary before he faltered a bit. I should ask her while we are alone. His right hand plunged into his pocket grasping a coin which he rubbed with his thumb when he was generally nervous. He turned slightly toward Lire as the continued to walk. "So hey, alot of odd things happening to students recently, dont ya think?

Lire stepped out of the elevator. She curiously studied Justin as she recognized his nervousness but the question somewhat settled her suspicions and she shrugged. "You could say that, although I'll admit I haven't really been paying attention." 

They were half way to the infirmary when Justin spoke again. "How could you not? Arent you worried you could be next? I mean kids being abducted is kind of a big deal." He asked, not with any type of malice but more of a questioning disbelief.

Lire managed to look sheepish, "Honestly, I haven't really been here long enough to get to know everyone and I'm horrible at meeting people in general. As for me being next... not really. I know how to fight, and the only people I'm actually worried about has thus far not shown their faces. At least for the most part." She muttered the last phrase as she thought back on the suspicions that had been developing over the last few days. "Who's gone missing, anyways?" She asked curiously.

"Two kids who had come in when i did as far as i know, but i mean i guess since we are mutants its always a risk i suppose." Justin and Lire had just reached the door when he finished. He took a side step and politely opened the door to X-Men Infirmary for her. "Her ya go, chivalry isn't dead where im from."

"Hmmm... that is strange though." Lire mused thoughtfully. She looked up when Justin opened the door and smiled at him, "Thank you." She murmured and dipped her head, "You're a dying breed." She chuckled as she stepped past him and into the X-Men Infirmary

The elevator doors opened to a grim scene as Vlad exited immediately, nearly bursting through the metal to make a beeline for the infirmary. He was holding Flame to his chest the way one would carry a bride, but she was not decked in white, nor were either of them wearing smiles. Vlad's face was terribly grim, his face sweating, his shirt off and balled up in his lady's hands as blood dripped from her wound. He ran, causing the whole place to tremble, to X-Men Infirmary.

Stepping from the lift, Korvka's stomach knotted up. She had ridden with the blood splatters at her feet and knew who it belonged to. Vlad's flesh couldn't be pierced - it wasn't his blood. If Flame lost too much then she'd be unable to regenerate...and the trail led straight to the infirmary. Gulping down the knot in her throat that told her the possibility of death was quite real, the stoic Russian yanked open the door to X-Men Infirmary, knowing her answers were on the other side.

Throwing his hands in front of him as he exited the infirmary with gusto, Vlad headed directly to X-Men Complex Staircase. His eye was covered with a makeshift bandage from a labcoat that he'd strapped around his head, but it was good enough to deal with the likes of the Addy-girl.

Ivan waited for the doors of the elevator to open, and then dashed out. He looked around for a second, and knew exactly where the infirmary was due to the trail of blood. He quickly followed it, and entered into the X-Men Infirmary. Not completely knowing what he'll find there.

The elevator went ding! and the doors pulled apart at the center to reveal Vlad. Still bloody, still wearing his eye-patch, and now with much more to think about, he walked into X-Men Infirmary wondering where to begin. Professor was possibly missing, Addy's lookalike was, he thought, being pacified by Endelyn, Flame looked like a raw rack of ribs on a hospital bed, and he had managed to fuck up the one thing he thought he'd be good at: keeping this place safe.

Emerging from the infirmary after what seemed like ages locked inside, Korvka walked straight to the elevator and when it opened, she took it to X-Men Hall Center 3rd, wearing a tired expression as well as blood splattered gym clothes.

Vlad came out of the X-Men Infirmary, looking beaten and exhausted, and took the elevator all the way up to the X-men Hall Center 3rd.

Kenna emerged from the elevator, coming down from the first floor hallway with the wounded Mihir in tow. One could tell the small redheaded girl was a bit awkward with physical contact, having usually avoided anything that could trigger her disastrous powers, but stern and rough around the edges as she was, she took no pleasure in seeing others suffer. Unless they were dumb. Or annoyed her. "Here we are." she announced, stopping in front of the infirmary.

"Thank you," Mihir said, giving Kenna a brief and quick smile. "I will probably stay here for the evening," he informed the girl before ducking into the X-Men Infirmary, intent upon getting some sort of wrapping on his hands.

"Ok then, g'night." replied Kenna as she turned around and crossed her arms, looking around once the boy had walked into the infirmary. "Now what do I do?" she asked herself, considering she didn't really have a dorm room right now. "Guess I'll jist have to crash in th' loonge for tonight." sighed the girl before she made it for the elevator and took it all the way to the X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

X-Men Complex Staircase
X-Men Danger Room
X-Men Infirmary

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2004-03-16 [Veltzeh]: Ok, I think we can do without the actual dressroom pages for now. It's not like they're crucial anyway. X-)

2004-03-16 [PhoenixSilverDark]: lol, very true

2004-05-06 [Veltzeh]: Duh, now you edited it so it doesn't fit with my post. She needs to go to the entrance hall first anyway!

2004-05-20 [Veltzeh]: Rogue's carrying Shade... right?

2004-05-24 [Veltzeh]: ElEvator!

2004-05-24 [Furr]: VEL, you will NEVER be released from people who make errors in grammar and spelling..

2004-05-24 [Veltzeh]: Yes, but I'll make an effort nevertheless. XD

2004-05-24 [LadyWillow]: Oh poo! I'm sorry! My spelling isn't up to scratch since i got out of apologies! *Bows head*

2004-05-24 [Veltzeh]: =)

2004-05-24 [Furr]: hehe :) School is good for some things, after all..

2004-05-24 [Veltzeh]: Heh... first it's RC with "elivator" and now you with "elavator"... geez, English spelling just sucks, doesn't it? =P

2004-05-24 [Furr]: It really gets to you, doesn't it? I think I will maek erorrrs teh nxet weke jsut to anoy u.

2004-05-24 [LadyWillow]: *Grin* I try and get as many words right as I can, I'll try and spell elevator correctly from now on, just let me know if there is anyother word I am butchering. *Smiles*

2004-05-24 [Veltzeh]: Thanks, [LadyWillow]... you're one of the friendliest people I've ever met, concerning this stuff... =) I correct a lot of spelling around the net... XD

2004-05-24 [LadyWillow]: o.0 That's got to be nerve wracking. I'm usually the one correcting my friends and family on thier spelling, so I undertand where you come from....I have my moments too though, we all do! *Smile* I really like this RP it is extremely well put together and organized! *Grins happily*

2004-05-24 [Veltzeh]: =) Then there's the awkward bit that English isn't even my first language... hehehe... XD

2004-05-24 [LadyWillow]: Oh? LOL That's okay. What is your first language?

2004-05-24 [LadyWillow]: You have very good english, by the way. *Grin*

2004-05-24 [Veltzeh]: Thanks =) I'm Finnish... So Finnish is my mother tongue. I also started studying German before English, so I guess English is only my third language. Then again, I don't remember almost any German anymore....

2004-05-24 [LadyWillow]: I see, well English is the second hardest language to learn as a second language, right there after Russian!!! LOL I can say a few sentances in French, and one or two in German, a few words of Russian, some Danish desserts....LOL My house was very diverse in that area! It was always fun when dad said something to mom in Danish and she would respond witht he French, and then say something to my sister in French and she would respond in Russian, and SHE would say something in Russian to my brother, and HE would respond in German!....or Klingon.....and we could all understand what everyone else was saying!!! *Giggles hysterically*

2004-05-24 [Veltzeh]: Lol! XD

2004-05-24 [LadyWillow]: *Nods* Yeah, I thought you'd enjoy that!

2004-05-24 [Furr]: OOh... Danish.. That'd be my native tongue..

2004-05-24 [LadyWillow]: Cool! My Papa served his mission in Copenhagen! (I'm sure I've misspelled it *Shrug*)

2004-05-24 [Veltzeh]: I spell it "Kööpenhamina". XD But that's Finnish anyway.

2004-05-24 [LadyWillow]: LOL Yeah, well...I don't know Finnish! *Grin*

2004-05-24 [LadyWillow]: o.0! Gots to go!! Bye for now! *Smiles*

2004-05-24 [Furr]: I spell it København, but that's in danish. And you spelled it right.

2004-05-25 [LadyWillow]: *Dances* Yay! At least I can spell something correctly! LOL

2004-06-04 [Veltzeh]: *Somebody* keeps misspelling "conscious"...

2004-09-01 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: *thinks* its been a while since i posted...but last i rember i was kicked out of the danger room, i guess i'll just start here considering i would have probibly went back in the halls anyway

2004-11-03 [Veltzeh]: Phew! It took me 4 tries to get that post right!

2004-11-22 [Veltzeh]: Lol. XD I should've said in the gym: "for the millionth time today, Xavier left the gym" XD

2004-11-22 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: haha, i think we should change the time now, its been like this for weeks!!! it should be night now

2004-11-22 [windowframe]: :\ hey; I asked if people wanted the time changed now, and only one person bothered to say anything, and they suggested it should be kept on the current time for a while long - so it is; deal.

2004-11-22 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: soooo, what? are we changing it or keeping it the same?

2004-11-22 [Veltzeh]: We'll change it the next week AFAIK.

2004-11-22 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: YAY!!!!

2005-04-12 [Veltzeh]: Or wait, was the shadow adamantium only on his claws?

2005-04-12 [Furr]: Full skeletal coverage.

2005-04-13 [Veltzeh]: Okay. Then I wasn't off. X)

2005-04-13 [Sturmi]: so, he still has his adamantium thing? :o

2005-04-13 [Veltzeh]: Apparently so.

2005-04-13 [Sturmi]: Isn't Kaider going to say something?

2005-04-13 [Veltzeh]: Yes, I'm just a bit busy... I'll edit now >_>

2005-04-13 [Sturmi]: no problem, take your time.....

2005-04-18 [Veltzeh]: Storm is in the control room X)

2005-04-18 [Sturmi]: she is? Who plays storm, anyway?

2005-04-18 [Veltzeh]: [windowframe]...

2005-04-19 [Veltzeh]: Lol XD

2005-04-19 [Furr]: Whaat? The stuff Kaider'n Flame did, leaves scentmarks. Rather.. noticable, scent, that is...

2005-04-19 [Veltzeh]: Yes, I know. Kaider is still very miffed, ey forgot about the scents >_>

2005-04-19 [Furr]: ^_^

2005-04-19 [The Past]: Too many bloodhounds around here, pick up scents everywhere=P

2005-04-19 [Furr]: :P Well, can't help it.. Flain've grown a little.. animalistic, over the time he was in the X-Men United..

2005-04-19 [The Past]: Oh well, makes things just that much more interesting, lol

2005-06-21 [Veltzeh]: Erks. Daniela's not active anymore.

2005-06-22 [Sturmi]: lol. We totally forgott about this. I'll just take Sofía away

2005-06-24 [Veltzeh]: May I just remind that Stryker and the stuff from the movie doesn't apply here, this is comic stuff X)

2005-06-24 [Furr]: Ah, well. Even in the comics, he got the adamantium from somewhere, right-o, chap? And If I recall, Weapon-X was comic based. They didn't make it up for the movies. Altered, yes, but not made up for the movie alone.

2005-06-24 [Veltzeh]: Yeah, I know, I have the comic that has it all written out. It is somewhat different and I think Logan never found out much about that, because he killed the people responsible years later if I remember correctly... I was even wondering about that part about his real name... where did he get that from? I think those were just revealed to him in the comics and we're not that far here... but well, it could've happened earlier. Who knows.

2005-06-24 [Furr]: Hmm. On second though. Might clear those posts. Not too well thought out. But I suppose we could still do a little thing here. I mean, Flain is from another world, where his knowledge is true. It doesn't hurt to play a little there. :P

2005-06-24 [Veltzeh]: Yep. Logan will probably be pissed ;)

2005-06-24 [Sturmi]: I think I read a comic once where the proffesor finds a wedding ring that belonged to Logan that said "to James" (or something like that) inside. But I don't remember in which series, it might be the ultimates (so I think that doesn't count)... he can't know his name was James...

2005-06-24 [Veltzeh]: Hm, I can't remember a comic like that... Either way, the only way Logan could've found out the stuff about his past happened right in the latest comic published over here, I'm thinking.

2005-06-24 [Furr]: Right. Posts goes ZAP!

2005-06-24 [Furr]: Sturmi's post got out too. Sadly. Nhh. Should have researched it better. But the regular X-Men series have been a hell for me to find. I'd like to find them, though. I'd love to read them through.

2005-06-24 [Veltzeh]: Yeah... I haven't been able to comprehend much of the stuff, but the stuff I have in Finnish pretty much covers all essential stuff. :)

2005-06-24 [Furr]: Scan, and translate all the text, Veltzeh! Pack in pdf files, and send to me!

2005-06-24 [Veltzeh]: gah! That's like, more than a 100! X_X

2005-06-24 [Furr]: I know. :P You've got a summer to do it in. XD

2005-06-24 [Veltzeh]: I have other things to do >_>

2005-06-25 [Furr]: No you don't. >_>

2005-06-25 [Veltzeh]: Tekeonia System. Yes I do. ;)

2005-06-25 [Sturmi]: :O are you making your own game!? awesome

2005-06-25 [Veltzeh]: Yep I am :) It's still not very finished, but there it is anyway.

2005-06-25 [Figgy]: Hmm... Looks interesting. I'll consider joining once it's finished, if I'm not too busy. ;)

2005-06-25 [Sturmi]: looks complicated too

2005-06-25 [Veltzeh]: Yeah... well it's only slightly more complicated than ROL, but I couldn't make Dûr understand how I meant the telepathy to work XD

2009-12-04 [Veltzeh]: I really assumed that they'd enter and leave the elevator together and thus see explicitly where they went... :P

2009-12-05 [Duredhel]: Mind reading Shana XD

2009-12-05 [Figgy]: Wait, what?

2009-12-05 [Figgy]: Oh! Oops!

2009-12-05 [Duredhel]: Hahah XD don't worry about it.

2009-12-05 [Figgy]: Fixed :D

2009-12-05 [Duredhel]: Coo ;)

2009-12-27 [Duredhel]: So... Daniela asked Kaider something like.. a week ago >__<

2009-12-28 [Figgy]: Ehehehe ;P

2009-12-30 [Veltzeh]: Sorry that I went to spend time with relatives. Shana could've replied too right?

2010-01-03 [Sturmi]: happy new year to you guys

2010-01-04 [The Past]: Happy late New Years back to you [Sturmi], and to everyone else too ^_^

2010-01-09 [Sturmi]: what happened here? I was away for a week and I thought you'd be missing me, but I see nothing has changed O:

2010-01-10 [Veltzeh]: I blame vacation time. X)

2010-01-26 [Araglas]: How do I get my character here? I'm so confused.... T_T

2010-01-27 [Veltzeh]: Um... you just did?

2010-01-27 [Araglas]: lol hehe I posted this before I got him here lol

2010-02-17 [The Past]: Oh O.o got ahead of us, hehe, thought could have all of them take the lift up together, guess not heh.

2010-02-17 [Duredhel]: It's usually best to just get your character to the destination ^^ otherwise it takes a long time just to get from point A to point B. I didn't know if you were going to post at all, since Flame exited the danger room but somehow got lost in the space time continuum and never entered the complex, so I figured I'd just make the whole thing faster, we're going too slow as it is.

2010-02-17 [The Past]: She must of ran into Abyss along the way XD hehe. Yeah, my bad, I got distracted with something and it totally fled my mind.

2010-02-18 [Duredhel]: :P no problemo. I'd recommend just getting Flame to the gate. Cuz otherwise you have to wait for Araglas to post... and then he'll come in and he'll have to wait for you to post, and so on.

2010-02-18 [The Past]: ok. Damn those time zones, huh? Always getting in the way of RPing

2010-04-13 [Figgy]: We totally ignored the fact that the infirmary stands between Hank's lab and the complex.

2010-04-13 [Duredhel]: *shush* no one had noticed >___>

2010-04-13 [Figgy]: XD

2010-04-13 [Ms. Steel]: There IS a link in the Lab that says it goes right to the Complex. I was wondering about it. :-)

2010-04-13 [Araglas]: hmmmmmmm ack oops they haven't posted yet gotta go change mine lol

2010-04-13 [Sturmi]: Alexis just completely ignored the girls :S

2010-04-21 [Roma]: I've already stated for the characters to make their way to their dorms, so if you're going to the kitchen, make it a quick pit stop.

2010-04-21 [Priest Kel]: Planned on it

2010-05-01 [Duredhel]: Hahahm we totally got trapped here by Aidan, figgs XD

2010-05-01 [Figgy]: T_T

2010-05-01 [Duredhel]: Tryin' to decide whose drawing I should do next :O since there are no 2s or 8s left XD

2010-05-01 [Figgy]: Um, maybe between Vlad, Korvka, or Flame, since they've been at the mansion the longest.

2010-05-01 [Roma]: Haha, I will not weigh in since my perspective would be entirely selfish.

And I think Daniela means "Aidan."

2010-05-01 [Duredhel]: Yup, meant Aidan XD.

Also... Alexis totally kidnapped Daniela there XD she was standing in the elevator waiting for Shana...

2010-05-01 [Roma]: Well she could use a good kidnapping...not like she's had a rough day or anything :P

2010-05-01 [Figgy]: o.o

2010-05-02 [Figgy]: Ok, let's just pretend I didn't post that until Jean and Summer are done with the elevator. >.< I'm leaving it there though.

2010-05-02 [Roma]: No worries. I've kinda given up on the elevator making 100% sense anymore. If you happen to notice it, fine, but I don't think my being a Nazi about it is going to benefit anyone. :)

2010-05-02 [Figgy]: We should pretend there are two lifts then hah xD

2010-05-02 [Duredhel]: Well Shana and Aidan were posted into the elevator before it went up XD. Since Aidan is still posting here... imma assume he was somehow left behind and it went up with just Shana and Daniela then...

2010-05-02 [Roma]: Yeah, Lep you're confusing us. You got on the lift. Did you come back DOWN on the lift? If so then I really need to to post that or else it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

2010-05-02 [Roma]: X-Men Hall Complex Staircase This place needs to be reachable by stairs. I encourage as many as possible to use the stairs!

2010-05-02 [Ms. Steel]: Yay!

2010-05-03 [Lepellier]: You know...I think I'm very confused... So, I'll get around to fixing this...*sigh* My bad guys...

2010-05-03 [Lepellier]: Edit: Ok, so everyone's just at the 3rd floor right now and we'll call that good, k? Right?

2010-05-03 [Roma]: Thanks for fixing it, Lep. I've added a staircase to make it easier too.

2010-05-03 [Lepellier]: I didn't fix anything... XD

2010-05-03 [Roma]: -Roma blows her tired brains out-

2010-05-03 [Lepellier]: Sounds painful...

2010-06-06 [Figgy]: HAHAHAHA I'm sooo clever. :3

2010-10-09 [Veltzeh]: Is a teacher going to interrupt them or are they free to move around?

2010-10-09 [Figgy]: Ummm.... I don't know? D:

I guess they are free to move around. *shrug*

2010-10-10 [Veltzeh]: Psst, [XxTsomexX], go ahead and post in X-men danger room. :)

2010-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: All set :)

2010-10-14 [Mrs Vicious.]: ill post in a sec.

2010-10-14 [Duredhel]: Gotcha

2010-10-17 [Duredhel]: :O

2010-10-17 [Mrs Vicious.]: Sorry was a bit caught up doing things.

2010-10-17 [Duredhel]: No prob :D

2010-10-17 [Mrs Vicious.]: didnt she get changed out of her PJ's?

2010-10-17 [Duredhel]: Nupe, she just got a sweater :3, she likes her PJs

2010-10-17 [Mrs Vicious.]: ahhhhhh makes sense.

2010-11-03 [Mrs Vicious.]: FFS. Posting while I'm asleep.

2010-11-10 [XxTsomexX]: Well this kinda sucks... Endelyn got ignored...

2010-11-10 [Figgy]: Umm, normally you want to bring that up before lots of posts happen. But you can have her sulk and go find new real friends, or something :D

2010-11-10 [XxTsomexX]: I will when I can post again :P lol kind of stressed right now, so it's kind of a good thing that I got lost...

2010-11-11 [Priest Kel]: Should I wait for Endelyn?

2010-11-11 [XxTsomexX]: Nah, it's ok.

2010-11-11 [Veltzeh]: "Once Jacob was inside Daniela" ...Now you see how important commas are. :D

2010-11-11 [Flisky]: I read something great the other day. Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse. ^_^

2010-11-11 [Ms. Steel]: ahaha! LIKE.

2010-11-11 [Veltzeh]: ;D

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: fuckin raaarrr. *sighs* right.. catch up time.

2010-11-17 [Figgy]: Umm... Endelyn is sort of the only person in the complex right now (aside from Teena) ... is she gonna do anything?

2010-11-17 [XxTsomexX]: sorry lol i've been wicked busy :(

2010-12-14 [Figgy]: I'm pretending that Everett is out of the elevator so Addy won't have to climb down all those fucking stairs >.>

2010-12-14 [Veltzeh]: There are at least two elevators, though two of them are occupied right now... One has Everett and Erin and one has Lisa. There could be a third one too I guess. :o

2010-12-14 [Figgy]: Noo, the other one has Michael and Laurel. I just booted Everett. >.>

2010-12-14 [Veltzeh]: Ah, oops, it was Laurel and not Lisa. Michael got out already, so that leaves Laurel in one and Everett and Erin in the other. Yes, Erin is/was there too. X)

2010-12-14 [Figgy]: Fixeded.

2010-12-14 [NinjaBasco]: sorry i have been busy will try to post more

2010-12-14 [NinjaBasco]: for smoe reason i can not down load google chrome or fire fox so i am sorry for the spelling

Oh and in case anyone who doesn't know i wondering Everett is playing Bach - Double Violin Concerto in D minor 2nd movement, Largo

2010-12-14 [Veltzeh]: Past tense of see is saw, by the way. "Seen" is the perfect/pluperfect tense.

2010-12-14 [NinjaBasco]: thank you sorry for being such a bother

2011-01-19 [The Past]: Will edit it a bit more later, length it out, if there is no reply.

2011-04-26 [Roma]: I can't post Hound coming out a few paces behind Ricin until Ricin is posted, so I shall wait.

2011-05-19 [Veltzeh]: Hmm, Nikoli is in limbo. He left here but never arrived in the first hall. :o

2011-06-27 [Veltzeh]: Psst... the genitive of "it" is "its". No apostrophe. :)

2011-06-27 [Roma]: Soooooo... Vlad did a Frankenstein impression and no one notices? All righty.

2012-01-01 [La Luna]: I took a bit of liberty with the 'Set something on fire by now' hope you don't mind Flisk.

2012-01-01 [Flisky]: Not at all. XD

2012-01-01 [La Luna]: xD I just imagined that's what he'd do.

2012-01-01 [Flisky]: I would hazard a guess that most of his friends would have seen him go up in flames. XD

2012-01-01 [La Luna]: xP Gives Hot Head a whole new meaning.

2012-01-01 [Flisky]: He had a rather....firey temper. :D

2012-01-01 [La Luna]: Haha.

2012-01-01 [AccountUnavaili able]: Awful, just awful :P

2012-01-01 [La Luna]: I see a ruckus on the horizon..

2012-01-01 [Flisky]: Oh yeah. XD

2012-01-01 [Lirerial]: Urgh sorry, I did get lost for a sec lol

2012-01-01 [La Luna]: That'll be a mighty fun Ruckus. Especially if Mags tries to split it up. xD

2012-01-02 [Roma]: They're having a lovers "tiff." A tuft is a collection of something growing together off a single base. :3

2012-01-02 [La Luna]: Darn. Thanks Roma. I never understood that, and now I know why. xD

2012-03-09 [Figgy]: Post post! :D

2012-04-20 [twitchboy]: hello?

2012-04-20 [Figgy]: She hasn't been on for a little over a week. So I guess you guys are frozen for a bit.

2012-04-22 [Lirerial]: I'm really really sorry. I can't post from the phone but I'll be online tomorrow. Sorry, my house doesn't have internet installed yet. :(

2012-05-16 [Roma]: Sorry I have to run! Rude, I know. But I shall be back tomorrow for postages. Hate to leave them in limbo, but I've really got to GO. <3

2012-07-16 [The Past]: Lol, too much estrogen going around for Vlad XD

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